Eight Ways To Boost Your Chances Of Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

We spend almost a third of our lives asleep. Not only is sleep essential, but it’s important for our bodies and is vital for maintaining our mental and physical health.

Eight Ways To Boost Your Chances Of Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

How much is enough?

Experts say you should aim to get between seven and eight hours of shut-eye each night, but it’s not always easy, and yet some of us neglect the benefits it offers entirely.

What’s more after this last year of uncertainty, our mental wellbeing has really taken a hit. So, isn’t it time we started to take action?

Here’s eight tips to get a good night’s sleep.

Keep Fit and Active

Staying active throughout the day can help you drift off to sleep in the evening.

Exercise is proven to boost the effects of the natural sleep hormone melatonin. Physical activity outdoors exposes your body to daylight too, helping you to regulate your body clock and giving you that much need dose of vitamin D.

Exercise doesn’t have to be rigorous, a stroll around your local park is just as good as running or cycling. However, some people find that if they do undertake vigorous exercise less than two hours before bedtime, it can make it harder to get to sleep.

Tech-Free Routine

Over exposure to technology before bed is not recommended. Common sources of blue light include TV’s tablets, smartphones, video games, we could go on…

Blue light actually suppresses the body’s release of melatonin. Often making it impossible to switch-off when it’s time for bed.

Ditching the tech 1-2 hours before bedtime is advisable, but If that’s too much to bear, dimming the brightness of your electronic devices will help to reduce emissions of blue light.

Another option would be to ban your smart phone, computer and TV from your bedroom.

Keep the Bedroom Comfortable

If the room is too hot or too cold you will find yourself in a never ending on and off battle with the duvet. Creating a calming environment is essential. Too much clutter among your bedroom does not bode good for the mind either. So, keep the space free from unwanted items and where possible keep the temp below 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Your bedroom is your haven of peace so choose a relaxing colour palette such as pale green or soft lavender. A natural and soft hue, will create the perfect environment for you to unwind after a busy day.

Try and remove as many electrical items as possible and dial-up the luxury, with throws and pillows.

Shower at Night

Did you know that showering before bed actually aides sleep?

Showering at night is proven to help aid the natural thermoregulation process. When you shower your body heats up, and after you get out the water evaporates from your skin cooling you down. It then sends signals to your brain telling you that it’s time for bed.

Start a Sleep Ritual

It doesn’t have to be complicated, however the key to getting it right is to do the same routine every night. Over time your body will come to associate the ritual with sleep. This will allow your body to programme itself to naturally fall asleep and wake up at certain times.

This could include taking a shower before bed, turning off electronics hour before or going to bed at a certain time. Try lighting a candle and dimming the lights to create the perfect sleep-inducing environment - but don’t forget to blow out the candle before bed!


Unsure whether napping is good for you? Experts believe that a short 10-20 minutes nap can be good for improving the mood, increasing your alertness and generally reducing fatigue. It can be part of your daily routine or just on those days when you need an extra boost. But it’s not for everyone.

If you do decide to take a nap, there are some key things to consider:

  • Don’t nap after 3pm, as its likely to interfere with night time sleep.
  • Create a restful environment, nap in a quiet comfortable space.
  • Keep them short. Any longer than 20 minutes and you’re likely to wake-up feeling groggy.

Foods for thought

Healthy eating has proven to aid sleep generally, but some foods in particular have been known to enhance your quality of sleep. These includes kiwi, walnuts, chicken, turkey and white rice. Combined with your choice of either milk or camomile tea which have been widely recognised for their calming qualities.

Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine where possible, but let’s face it we all like a bit of something that isn’t good for us from time to time. Spicy and sugary foods are a definite NO, large meals also shouldn’t be consumed in the hours before bed either.

Darkness Promotes Sleep

As darkness falls your body starts to release the sleep hormone, melatonin. That’s all well and good until Spring arrives! So, how can you trick your body into thinking it’s time for bed?

A simple addition to your sleeping space such as room darkening blinds could make the world of difference to your sleeping pattern. Particularly as we enter brighter, longer days with the dawn of daylight savings on the horizon.