How Much Do You Know About Saving Energy?

When it comes to energy saving how much do we really know. We are told to switch the TV off and not leave it on standby and use energy saving long life light bulbs. But what else can we do and why are we using more energy than before? Try putting some of these into practice to find out how smart you are at saving energy! And the money you could save!

How Much Do You Know About Saving Energy?


  • Question: What’s the average temperature of a British Home?
    Answer: 17.5C
    This is a lot warmer than in the 1970s when the average home was a fairly cool 12C
  • Question: How much do we spend each year on keeping our food and drink cold?
    Answer: £79
  • Question: What could make the biggest saving on your energy bill?
    Answer: Installing insulating blinds like Luxaflex® Duette® Shades could save up to 25% on energy bills
  • Question: How much could you save in a year by switching all the household light bulbs to energy saving bulbs?
    Answer: £35-50
  • Question: How much can you save in a year by turning your thermostat down by just 1C?
    Answer: £85
    For every degree above 21°C that you set your thermostat, you pay an extra 10% on your bills
  • Question: Most heat is lost from which part of the house?
    Answer: The windows
    A staggering 50% of heat lost from the home is through the windows. Energy saving blinds like Duette® Shades can reduce this by almost half.

If you are looking for expert advice on energy saving window blinds, pop into your local Luxaflex® retailer and see all the colours and design options too.